Immagine di testata Immagine di testata



IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE EVENT, PLEASE SEND US AN EMAIL (, indicating the grant number and the name of the Principal Investigator (i.e., the grant holder).

Please, carefully read the Convention policy for travel and accommodation before submitting your request.

Registration requests must be sent by February 7th, 2025.

Requests lacking any of the abovementioned data or sent after February 7th will not be processed.

Before Registration

The Convention will be held fully in person. There is no participation fee. Fondazione Telethon is glad to cover accommodation costs for projects PIs (or their delegates).

Please, carefully read the Convention policy for travel and accommodation before starting the registration process.

Create an account through the Login/Create an account button. Register with a valid email address and choose a password; please, possibly use your institutional email address for registration. You will receive an automatic email to active your account (please, check the spam folder too). You are now ready to register for the event!

Certificate of Attendance: event attendees will receive the certificate via email upon completion of the satisfaction questionnaire (by March 2025). Your feedback would be greatly appreciated. Help us improving the Fondazione Telethon Convention!

Submit your registration by January 31st, 2025!

Registration to the Scientific Convention

Login to your reserved area through the Login/Create an account button. Click on “register” to start the registration process.

Enter all the required data – please, be fill in all required information. Indicate the number of the Telethon reference grant and choose the appropriate “Attendee profile” according to the Convention policy. You must read and agree to our Privacy policies and terms to complete the registration process. You can now submit a poster abstract and/or book for other initiatives!

For any question you might have about grant numbers and the Convention policy, please contact us at